Charming Victoria Harbour Ferries

Charming Victoria Harbour Ferries

Happy People In Happy Boats

Victoria Harbour Ferries have been in business for over 30 years. They have spent this time connecting visitors to all parts of Victoria's harbour. This is definitely one of Victoria's most popular attractions. Their captains are always happy to share their expertise about Victoria and make this unique way to travel around the harbour one of the best experiences in the city. 


The Victoria Harbour Ferries not only provide transportation and sightseeing opportunities, but they are also the hosts of unique and entertaining events that add to the city's vibrant culture. Among these events are the famous "Pickle Pub Crawl" and the delightful "Water Ballet."

Pickle Pub Crawl:

The Pickle Pub Crawl is an event that has become a favourite among both locals and visitors. With dedicated green pickle boats, this quirky and fun-filled event takes place on the harbour, offering participants a chance to explore some of Victoria's best waterfront pubs and bars by catching rides from these colourful ferries.

During the Pickle Pub Crawl, passengers hop from one ferry to another, cruising through the picturesque harbour while enjoying drinks and snacks from the participating pubs. The lively atmosphere, coupled with the picturesque views of Victoria's waterfront, makes this pub crawl an unforgettable experience.

Water Ballet:

The Water Ballet is a mesmerizing spectacle that showcases the finesse and skill of the Victoria Harbour Ferries' captains and crew. Held in the summer on the weekends as part of the city's summer festivities, this unique event is a choreographed dance performed by the ferries on the harbour's glistening waters.

The Water Ballet celebrates the harmony between the ferries and the water they navigate, demonstrating the skillful maneuvering and control of these small vessels by their experienced captains. It's an event that epitomizes the spirit of the Victoria Harbour Ferries, showcasing their unique blend of functionality and artistry.

The Victoria Harbour Ferries go beyond being just a means of transport; they play a significant role in fostering the cultural identity and community spirit of Victoria. From the eccentric Pickle Pub Crawl to the elegant and mesmerizing Water Ballet, these events add an extra layer of excitement and charm to the already enchanting city. So, next time you find yourself in Victoria, be sure to embark on a ferry ride and immerse yourself in the unique events that make the harbour come alive with laughter, cheers, and splendor.

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